Cats Love the Sun
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Access to Sunlight Can Impact Cat Behavior
Cats love the sun. It’s their version of a massage or sitting in a not tub or warm bath.
Nearly all cats will try to spend some time in the sun. Older cats in particular are drawn to these treasured opportunities.
This type of activity is relaxing, calming, pleasurable, and I think may have some health benefits.
I think that when cats are not provided opportunities to enjoy the sun it can have a negative affect on their personalities, quality of life, and ultimately their behavior.
I feel bad for a cat when I visit their owner’s home and see closed curtains everywhere. It’s dark, oppressive, and like being in a cave. This is not good. I usually try to find a nice way to say…”Cmon man. You gotta give kitty some daylight to flourish, be happy and content!”
I get the feeling Murphy thinks if he suns more his orange accents will get more noticeable. Whom am I to judge?
Look around your house. Pay attention to the flow of light during the day. Look for ways to maximize opportunities for your cat to get access to some quality sunlight for at least part of the day. Kitty will be happier for sure. You know that popular saying “Happy Cat Happy Furniture!” Cats also love looking out windows. It’s like putting your kids in front of the TV. A subject for another time.