What Our Cats Did During the Pandemic Part Three…They Put On a Live Play of Course!
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Our cats were just like everybody else during the pandemic…they got bored! In order to spice things up some of the cats decided to put on a play. I know it sounds crazy, but here it goes!
This is a classic tail… er… tale of friendship, betrayal, bitterness, and ultimately… MURDER! Welcome to the Feline Infinity production: THE CATPRANOS.
Our story begins with RUBY and her dog buddy IZZY.
These two were best buds. They hung out together a lot and often shared napping and tv watching spots. Life was good and they were happy.
At some point there was a falling out between the two. Izzy loves cat treats and likes to steal them from the cats when she can. The rumor is she got a hold of one of Ruby’s favorite treats just as Ruby was enjoying herself snacking. Ruby was quite upset and things went south from there.
As time went on the riff between these two former best friends continued to grow. Now Izzy is the ringleader of the dog pack. Ruby tried to work on gathering more friends to come to her aid in this now full blown turf war. She knew she could count on her brother Ruxin to have her back. He was very loyal, resourceful, and often could be seen “armed” and ready for trouble.
Ruby begins to panic. She knows Izzy is the dog boss and very cunning. Ruby decides to try and meet with other bosses to garner support.
Ruby meets with Monkey who is the cat boss for the tabbies. He agrees to offer Ruby protection. However…
Izzy is patient and waits for the right moment when Ruxin is taking a catnap. She finally finds Ruby alone and then…
A tragic ending to a once loving relationship.
I hope you enjoyed the play. See you next time.